Reasons why I do design and why you should too.


defined as “ a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made.”  

creates the world around us from the pens you use to write, to the computer I’m using now to write this post for you guys, design engraved into our daily lives without us even realising it. 

So why then do most people neglect & forget the importance of design?

Here as 4 reasons why I care about design and why you should start doing it too.

1. Design evokes feeling

As design creates the world around us, it also directly impacts your emotional state of mind on a daily basis. 

Are you constantly feeling sad? It could not only be from your social circle or things that happened during the day but possibly also because there isn’t a good environment & not a lot of lighting within the space that you live in as well. 

Having a bad morning because the stupid jam jar just won’t open? Another example of bad design, jam jars simply do not have groves around the lit of the jar to create the friction needed to open it. 

All this fustration, sadness and negative emotions might slowly build up and gradually destroy the positive side of your, leaving you as an extremely negative character.


As Design is the method that we humans interact with the world, without it, we definitely wouldn't have the world we have today. Hence be more conscious about it, because you might never know, it might have heavy direct impact on your emotional state of mind.

2. Design raises the standard of living

Compare a rich man’s home to a poor man’s home, what's the difference?

Lack of space?
Lack of proper lighting?
Lack of recreational amenities?
Lack of proper furniture?
Lack of interior design?

Now compare a rich man’s clothing to a poor man’s clothing, what's the difference?

Lack of cohesiveness in clothing?
Lack of proper hair styling?
Lack of branded items?
Lack of fashion design?

Now, I’m not saying that dressing up poorly means that you are poor, neither am I saying that having a house that is of a rich man’s standard means that you are rich.

All I’m saying is that design raises the standard of living as each item are designed to solve real-world problems, big or small.

And with the process of design items usually, cost more and are able to fetch for a higher price. 

Hence if you are able to design yourself, you are able to achieve that higher standard of living with a lower price tag.

3. Understanding design can help us to understand ourselves.

Often I feel that people treat design too seriously. Design can be a drawing, an animation, an interior space or a building. But it doesn’t have to ONLY be that. 
Design can be manifested in all forms, from the method we plate our dishes to the process of dressing up in the morning. As it is applicable to our daily lives, design is able to greatly help us to understand ourselves better.

God might have created our world but how we live, plan & design our lives is through the understanding of our current, past and future self. 

As we are both the client and the designer, we have to define what our wants and needs are, as well as the physical, mental and spiritual problems that we have in our lives that we want to solve.

Hence, through the process of the design mode of thinking, we are able to increase the understanding of self as well as the boundaries of self

4. Design changed my life, it can too for yours

Since a young age of 5, I have been designing, from lego blocks to how I organise my toys.
Whenever there was something I wish to make during my younger years, for example, an iron man suit, I would always find ways to do it.  Doing research online, and finding ways to modify it and change it to suit my taste or finding other methods to construct it.
And without me knowing it, it has changed me from a bystander to a problem solver.

I crave the feeling of being able to solve an issue, regardless of big or small through the ideas and creativity of the mind. 

Creative thinking & critical thinking are two crucial factors within this mindset, it helps us to think of “why, what and how” of every issue while giving us the ability to generate new forms of thinking and perspective to situations around us in our daily lives.

And this mindset I believe, is within each and every one of us, however many of us simply have yet to touch that untapped potential of the mind. So, I hope that you will tap on it, upgrade your life for the better.

Do remember to subscribe and share if you found that this is useful, and do comment if you have any questions, hope you will have a nice design journey.  :)


  1. Thank you for sharing! But I m just wondering if design is necessary for me as I couldn’t afford much, the basic standard is just nice for me. Must I really go extra mile just to design something that “suits me the most”? I meant I am alr quite happy with my current living conditions.

    1. Hahahaha, well runruntomato, I agree there are times when the basics are enough. However there are times when the "basics" might not be enough, design can be a simple, the intension / idea of solving daily problems, and finding the simplest way to solve it is already design. Design is simply another tool in your tool box that can improve your life for the better if you choose to make good use of it. :)


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