Are interior designers really needed? Here are 4 reasons why you might want to design your own home.

To some this might be a no brainer, “because I want an easier and more convenient way!” they say or “Since picking and choosing a home to buy was already so tiring and stressful! I might as well leave the job to a professional.” 

But to others, they might consider the latter, “I want to have full control over how I live!” they say. 

Although there are pros and cons to both decisions, today I'll talk about why you might want to consider designing your own home and hopefully change your mind regarding self-interior design. :)

1. Design your home is fun! 

Let me start off with emphasizing on the emotional aspects of self interior designing, IT IS ABSOLUTELY A JOY TO DESIGN YOU OWN HOME! 

Designing your own home is fun, it might be hard to start at first, but once you understand some of the basics of designing. 

Man. I must say. You will feel like you just popped a few pills, you will feel like you are a god in the sky, having control over everything and anything. 

Just simply being able to imagine that dream house that you always wanted, and simply renovate the space like how you wanted it to be, the anticipation alone will drive you nuts! 

Everything that you want to be done, and how it should be done could be immediately edited to suit your desires. And with immediate visual/graphical representation of your dream home taking shape, you will be instantly gratified and have a great sense of accomplishment. Now, isn’t that just fun? 

2. Lower renovation fees

Most interior designers will always agree on the commission before starting the project, this usually is around 10% of the total cost. 

However, even this can vary from firm to firm, some firms prefer to take payments based on hours spends, some prefer “percentage over cost” rate so do take note of how your firm might earn that commission. (if you prefer to hire an interior designer.)

A quick calculation can reveal how much an interior designer gets from your project alone. 

If your project cost around 40k to 50k for a normal 5 room apartment. The design fee alone will cost about 4k to 5k. 

However this is not all, some interior designers also collect a portion of commission fees from the supplier. 

This means the total cost of one five-room project that costs you 50k, might earn them 10k for design work and commission, as well as the possibility of using low-grade materials and even having a junior designer to handle your project! 

So, do you really want to spend that extra 10K for simply less effort upfront?   

3.Interior designer doesn’t know what you want

Let me be honest with you, INTERIOR DESIGNERS DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! Don’t believe me? Just look at this image below:

Or this:

LOOK! The design that you paid for is literally you telling him what to do and him doing it for you.
The fact is no one knows you better than you do so why are you giving up your home to let someone else (whom you possibly just met ) figure out how you should live in your own home? 

Would you let a random stranger, while paying him 5 bucks and your keys, even keep watch of your own house while you are gone? 

No right? 

So why, would you let an interior designer design your house experience for possibly the next 5 to 10 years? 

And plus most interior designers have a specific type of style they advertise, so your house, if you chose to work with him, might look almost the same with the thousands of clients he had, is having, and probably will have.

4. More motivated in life

Honestly, this last point is more of a personal opinion, I feel that after my own dream home design journey, I felt more motivated to do more in life. 

Having the ability to accomplish something so big and yet so satisfying in life made me realized that there is a hidden potential in each and every one of us. 

The possibility of doing more is always there, you got to simply give that switch a flick and everything will start moving again. 

There might be bumps and puddles along the way, but when I reached the end, I felt that I want to do more in life. This experience might or might not happen to everyone but I believe whoever that went through this journey, might find themselves becoming a better them, and I hope that you will too.  

Do remember to subscribe and share with your friends if you liked the post, hope to see you soon :)


  1. But I m still so lazy to start my own design! But I m also so poor to afford interior designer! 🤣 life’s hard man! Thanks for you sharing anyways! All the best for your design too!


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